The universal Loving-kindness exercise is used to expand your heart and mind. You close your eyes and for a minute or two rest into the natural ease of your mind and body, and repeat the following phrases for 10 minutes:
May all individuals gain freedom from suffering
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
May i assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering
May i assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.
This exercise was easy for me to relax and concentrate on. I had just got into an argument with my roommate right before this exercise and honestly the last thing i wanted to do is wish for her happiness and wholeness but after this exercise i just didn't care anymore. So it did help me relieve stress. The only difficult part about it for me i couldn't keep my eyes close and remember what to say to myself. I kept having to open my eyes to read what i was supposed to be telling myself.
The second exercise you are supposed to ease into a still mind and ask yourself what part of my life spiritual, biological, interpersonal, or worldly is source of difficulty. then think of what area is more essential for you at this point of your life and concentrate on that. My focus was on my spiritual aspects of my life it is so hard to be spiritual in the place i live and the friends i have. I almost don't know where to start when it comes to spirituality.
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